Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Great Lindt Experiment

My chocolate poll revealed Lindt to be the number one chocolate choice (something I was incredibly pleased with - Lindt being my own personal favourite chocolatier). As a result, I embarked on a comprehensive research and review of the Lindt offerings available in the local market.

Any ideas I had about this project going to be great fun/ a piece of cake (or chocolate as the case may be!) / the most pleasant project I could ever embark on were soon proved to be total hogwash. It was a tough tough ride my friends, and don't any one of you start to envy me. All my hopes of organising a single serious evening chocolate tasting session were dashed to the ground, the foremost reason being, and I should really be typing in caps, there is only so much chocolate one can take at any given time!

It might have been a deep-seated aversion to sweet things, a bare tolerance to almost dislike of milky, creamy things, I honestly don't know. I'm sure my chocolate-loving readers (and I know I have many of these) are going to want to hang me for blasphemy today, but even looking at those half-eaten chocolate bars now lying on my dining table, brings up queasy feelings of disgust. Too much chocolate people, too much chocolate.

My chocolate-eating partner-in-crime unfortunately fared no better. We had to split the chocolate sampling into 3 sessions, each one leading us to dread the next even more.

Don't get me wrong, this in no way bears on Lindt's ability as a chocolatier, but simply on my, possibly odd tastebuds. All said and done, I did learn a lot from the experience, gained a lot of respect for professional chocolate tasters and I had a revelation - which shall be revealed to you, in the final post of this series.

So anyway this post is sort of like a teaser, for in my next few posts I will be sharing the results of the Great Lindt Experiment.

So, hang in there folks! :)

1 comment:

  1. Im getting goosebumps reading this one...too much chocolate :S
