Thursday, March 4, 2010

Clearing up misconceptions

Some of my friends have suddenly conjured up in their wonderfully imaginative minds a picture of me as a exercising, dieting health nut and I honestly have no idea where they got that idea from (honestly!). So here I am today to do the world a favour and clear up popular misconceptions.
Number 1. I do not diet. Yes, I do try, just as I try to work out on my treadmill and cycle everyday and try to keep my room spotless everyday. Dieting is a feat only the bravest and strongest and stubbornest (is that a word?) of the human race can succeed at (yet everyone tries). Food is a gift. And we weren't created to diet, we were designed to enjoy food, relish it, smell the aroma and savour the flavour, cook and stir wonderful concoctions of raw foods bursting with flavour and experiment till they turn into a most wonderous taste experience with an enticing whiff that can motivate the world's biggest TV-addict to come running into the kitchen asking 'What's for dinner?'
Funny that my question mentioned just dinner. A sad fact of modern life is that most people don't have time in their busy lives to sit down and enjoy more than one meal a day, that meal usually being dinner. The perfect day in my world is a 3-meal day. Hot breakfast - pancackes, bacon n eggs, manaeesh, mum's dhoklas or rava-dosa or even idli-sambar, a hot lunch with mmm maybe rice n dal or a nice curry or biriyani or mahashe and a pasta/lasagne or taco/fajita or even a super-simple roti/sabji for dinner. Sigh - there are too many combinations I could list above and it pains me to only choose a few. Additionally, a nice glass of wine or a martini somewhere in there wouldn't go amiss...
I'm a hot person (pun not intended) I like my food hot and steamy, be it pasta, rice, shawarmas, manaeesh, meats or even the lowly sandwich! The only thing I'll settle for cold is a salad, and if it has chicken in it, i'm the weirdo who would pick the pieces out and stick em in a microwave before starting on my salad. And of course, dessert has my permission to be cold.
I digress...
But I've lost my steam for clearing up popular misconceptions and so off I go on a tangent again...
How many of you have ever eaten mushrooms? And no, I don't mean the soggy stuff you get on top of a pizza, I mean real honest-to-goodness fresh portabella or those giant holland cup mushrooms or even the humble button!
I introduced a friend of mine to the magic of eating mushrooms raw recently and even I was taken aback at her enthusiasm! Needless to say, she's officially converted to these wonderfully nutty, spongy, earthy fungi and I have to remember to bring along extra supplies the next time we cook together because by the time we've finished chopping, a good amount of veggies have mysteriously disappeared... :)
Most veggies can be eaten raw, and it's a whole new cooking experience to taste the ingredients raw first and then again once they're combined. To experience how heat changes flavours and how flavours interact with each other in something akin to a perfectly choreographed ballet....aaahh now that's art...
Leaving with those thoughts, and contemplating how wonderfully designed this planet truly is, I now officially begin the countdown to my weekend. An hour to go as of right now....yipeeeee! :)
Till next time folks!

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