Monday, March 1, 2010

First Post

So, here I am finally at my first blog. I've been thinking about starting one for much of my young life, but could never decide what to write about. Are my thoughts really worth reading, I wondered? Recently, however I've discovered a passion for describing food. Well recently isn't right, I've always had a passion for describing food, let's just say recently I figured I should do more than make all my dieting friends miserable when I tempt them with food descriptions :) I'm also hoping it helps me with my serious cravings - what better way to get cravings you can't satisfy out of your system than to write about it!

So, what's on my mind today? Deep fried mars bars...

Yea, I know what the uninitiated among you are thinking - chocolate and deep frying - how much more artery clogging can you get?! I had the same thoughts when I was introduced to them, and it took quite a bit of convincing before I tried it. Although I do not recommend these as a daily dessert, they are a brilliant pick-me-up for a cold rainy, miserable day. Today is one of those cold, rainy (not so much miserable - it's rain in Abu Dhabi!) days and it's triggered cravings....serious ones and I'm convinced there is no place in Abu Dhabi that makes these mounds of chocolatey goodness that are so hard to make :(

Goodness? What kind of goodness can you find in an oily chocolate bar, you say? Ahhh my friend, but therein lies the secret of the deep fried mars bar....Mock me all you want, one bite of this and I guarantee a true gastronomic delight that can kill even the most guilty conscience!

Imagine biting into it......the crunch of the batter first, then the hot chocolate on the outside, moving to a warmer chocolate inside n then when the first bite is in your mouth, chewing it to blend the warm mush and crispy exterior into perfect chocolately harmony that's ohhhh so amazingly good you can completely forget it is even remotely related to unhealthy eating.

And on a cold, rainy day, there's officially nothing better than crispy, crunchy warm chocolate that stands in total contrast to the weather, yet seems so perfect for it all the same...

I've been told the recipe depends a lot on the temperature of the oil and the mars bar, and since I'm not on the best terms with oil (I've deep-fried maybe twice in my life!) I'm not trying this one at home. I'd be very interested in the results of anyone else's experimentation though...

The sun's starting to come out now and my cravings are just that much on this side of controllable - so I reckon this is a good time to sign off.

Till next time, folks!


  1. I love it, finally you get your thoughts out girl...yippiieee yohhooooo :D.. all my hard work is reaping results ....phew...

  2. Deep fried mars bars?...hmm never heard of anything like it... bt tempting nevertheless:) u definitely have a talent for describing food aby:D luvvv it:)...
